Why I Need a Bookkeeper

Man using laptop

I recently received a phone call from a potential new client that left me baffled.

The question that threw me was “I have been recommended to give you a call but tell me why do I need you? I am pretty certain I can do things myself.”. My initial reaction was well, all good then, you can continue doing so. Then I realized that it was an opportunity for me to explain why he indeed needed our help.

Our services entail the following - initiating them to a software that will automate most things, entering and paying all bills, pay wages to their staff, maintain compliance, lodge their BAS and give them reports, but what else? The Pandemic has shown how critical bookkeepers have been in assisting their clients obtain the information they need to help them get Government assistance.

However, the question remains. Why did he need us, having been in the finance industry for 20 years? I could not fathom anyone having a business and not using a bookkeeper.

However, I understood what he meant. I then explained that by engaging us you are ensuring you get all the services I mentioned above but also have back-up when you get audited. It is also ensuring that you let the people who know how to remain compliant do the job. You are investing thousands of dollars to set your business up and grow it and bookkeeping is part of that investment. We can work in conjunction with you to help your business grow as we have the experience, having seen hundreds of different businesses in action.

You often work so many hours in your business that you don’t work on it. Bookkeeping is not just about bills, it’s the backbone of your business.


Small Business Digital Adaptation Program